Tones of Belonging
As a dance artist influenced by feminism and the queer experience, I have been developing a multifaceted project called Tones of Belonging that merges dance performance with somatic healing. After presenting a series of performances in partnership with sculptor Corinne Peterson, who uses clay workshops and installation to address trauma, I now want to offer my own workshops that expound upon movement as a resource for trauma recovery. I am so excited to take this step, which connects awareness practices centered in the body with a public response against rape-culture. With your support, I will have funds to make these workshops happen! Donations will cover space rental, materials, marketing, and compensation for collaborating Dance Movement Therapists and artists.
About This Project
Tones of Belonging has a raw effect on audiences, and these workshops are inspired by the voices of people who have approached me after the show to inquire about how to "get involved in this." I rarely feel that performing dance leaves audiences with a sense that they have access to the performers' experience, so I've been very moved and excited to respond with these workshop offerings.
The movement research behind Tones of Belonging has focused on gentle rituals that shift physiological blocks by bringing the body to a state of alive, responsive presence.
In the workshops, we will offer simple and accessible versions of these movement experiences, geared to facilitate a sense of positive connection among participants. We will combine this with reflective journaling, drawing, and opportunities to share.
I am currently working with several community partners to solidify specific dates and venues. I am envisioning 3-4 small workshops in different areas of the city. Pending funds, I am gearing up to launch this stage of the project in Spring 2016. Your support is necessary to ensure that the workshops can be financially accessible to the public!
Tones of Belonging has become a healing process with its own momentum. It helps people come forward towards solidarity and responds to a moment in history when our rape-culture is being named for its pervasive effects. You too can become a part of this movement!
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $10A psychic fist bump and personal shout-out on social media. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $30A personalized thank you performance posted on the BodyCompass Dance Project Facebook page, plus the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50A handmade card commemorating the project, plus all of the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $80A sound-score written by Chien-An Yuan, plus all of the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100A pair of refrigerator magnets with a photo image from our performances, plus all of the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250Two private movement sessions with me (Certified Laban Movement Analyst), plus all of the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $350An original art piece by visual artist Corinne Peterson from her beautiful "Transforming Walls" collection, plus a card and social media shout-out. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Sarah Gottlieb
Sarah Gottlieb is a Chicago-based dancer and choreographer whose work is grounded in improvisation, feminism, and her penchant for metaphysical inquiry. Sarah is the Artistic Director of BodyCompass Dance Project whose experimental dance-making methods yield captivating, politically motivated performance. After …
View Sarah Gottlieb's profile-
Update 1: Our campaign is off to a great start! Thanks to all of you we met the goal for the first week! We have a ways to go and we want more people to know about this project. Every time this is shared it helps us get the word out! Thanks again for making this week so amazing :)Posted on November 12, 2015Update 2: Here are some exciting performance photos from "Tones of Belonging/The Cairn Project" at Lillstreet Gallery 11/20/15Posted on November 23, 2015Update 3: The site is secure- but if you'd rather you can send checks!Posted on November 25, 2015
Some people's browsers might warn against the security of this website. I've made inquiries into this and the message is that 3-Arts site’s security certificates are all up to date. However, if you're more comfortable they can accept checks. A check must be made out to 3Arts and they must receive it prior to Dec 18!
180 N. Michigan Avenue, #305 Chicago, IL 60601Update 4: Stretch goal!Posted on December 01, 2015Dear Contributors: Thank you so much! Your donations helped us reach our first goal! We now have a stretch goal of $3500 which will help fund a culminating performance for this project! If you know anyone else who might be similarly interested in hearing about, or supporting this work, we would be eternally grateful for your recommendations.
Update 5: Exciting News! BodyCompass Dance Project's full length production Yolk was listed as one of the years 7 best!… This and the end of a campaign: what an amazing week!Posted on December 16, 2015Update 6: Thanks to You! A Super Hilarious video for you!Posted on December 17, 2015 -
Brian Finn
Scott Buckley
Karen Yates
Jessica Marasa
J Akiyama
Susan McKenna
Robert Gottlieb
Megan Rhyme
Kara Maymi
Folayemi Wilson
Alejandra Martinez
Nora Sharp
David Cowen
Becky Williams
Linda Forst
Anna Tyllstrom
Elijah Rutschman
Kathryn Reeve
Lynn Clowes
Rob Welcher
Jody Breton
Marielle Abell
Christine O'Connor
Pesha Wasserstrom
Miranda Steffens
Anonymous Supporter
Mary Szegda
Angela Cholewa
Clare Tallon Ruen
Ginny Sykes
Kristina Fluty
Rossi Dimitrova
Anonymous Supporter
Carmelita Gallo
Rose and Bob Rojas
Patty Pickard
Tracy Voltin
Tatiana Scolin
Lynne Vaughan
Anonymous Supporter
Elijah Rutschman
Corinne D Peterson
Rachel Damon
Kay Min
Angela Martin
Diego Frederic
Stephanie Nugent
Tanya Williams
Alison Kopit
Pinar Aral
Elisa A Rivera
Christopher Gent
judy slagle
Thank you to the following for contributing to 3Arts with the recommendation that we support this project.

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