Fashion Forward: Mixed-Ability Fashion Show
Aiming to help bridge the gap between the disabled and able-bodied, this fashion show and benefit will pair Chicago designers and models (disabled and able-bodied) to showcase garments that speak to the essence of the maker and wearer.
About This Project
What is the pure essence of beauty? How does fashion empower each of us to feel beautiful, vital, connected? What do the fashion choices we make say about us? Tellin’ Tales Theatre is a not-for-profit company that strives to bridge the gap between the disabled and able-bodied worlds through personal story.
What is your fashion story? In an attempt to answer this question, we are producing a fashion show featuring Chicago designers and models with and without disabilities at our May 18 benefit gala at the National Hellenic Museum. Each designer and model will work together to come up with a garment that speaks to the very essence of the model. If he or she has a disability, the garment will be designed for ease without compromising style. In addition to the show, we are creating a documentary featuring the innermost thoughts of the designers and models in regard to fashion, beauty, empowerment and connection, which will be shown during the fashion show.
The project will be realized by Tellin’ Tales Artistic Director, Tekki Lomnicki, a little person who has devoted her craft to finding ways to incorporate her abilities and those of others to perform compelling stories. She is joined by Sandie Yi, a renowned disabled Chicago designer, and journalist Julie Harris. Incorporated in 1996, Tellin’ Tales Theatre works with both children and adults with and without disabilities to write and stage theatrically innovative productions. Tellin’ Tales produces both adult solo performance shows as well as Six Stories Up, a life-changing mentoring program that pairs six middle school students with six adult mentors to produce a full-length show.
Your support will help us make our dream of capturing the essence of fashion through story a reality. Your donation will help us purchase fabric, rent and install an accessible runway, hire a videographer, and rent a video projector and screen.
Please help us make our Fashion Story a reality. Check out our website here Tellin’ Tales Theatre
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25Donor listing in our gala program and on any publicity for the gala ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50Everything above plus a DVD of our fashion documentary ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100Everything above plus an accessory created by one of our designers ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250Everything above plus two tickets to our fashion show gala ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500Everything above plus four season tickets to our 2013 shows ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1000Everything above plus a garment created especially for you by one of our designers ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Tekki Lomnicki
Tekki Lomnicki believes in the healing power of stories. She is a solo performer, playwright, director, and educator. Tekki has devoted her craft to finding ways to break down the barriers between those with disabilities and those without. In 1995, …
View Tekki Lomnicki's profile- No updates yet, stay tuned!
Anonymous Supporter
Rose Coman
Claudia Reilly
Mary Mrugalski
Suzanne/Jackson Metzel/Gehringer
Molly Wiesman
Gigi Peters
Eileen Loechel
Anya Cordell
Barrie Cole
Paris DePaepe
Anonymous Supporter
joanne meyer
Todd Bauer
Katie Arnold
Anonymous Supporter
Dorothy Wolff
Lu Ann Herbold
Lotti Knowles
John Schuchert
Mary Rathbun
Lynn Hershberger
Chris Radzak
Liz Stein
Jacqueline Toepfer
Janice Stashwick
george demet
Lisa Proctor
Willa Taylor
Anonymous Supporter
Marisa Wiesman
Douglas Bella
Stefan Brün
Mina Nakano
Patty Aplington
Woodlock Marketing, Inc.
Neil Mikota
David Levine
Marjorie Hunter
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