cresset: vibrant, rusting
cresset: vibrant, rusting is a visceral experience of the possibility of composting death toward life and the embracing of decay’s beauty.
About This Project
cresset: vibrant, rusting is a visceral experience of the possibility of composting death toward life and the embracing of decay’s beauty. It explores meticulous movement on miniature modular stages that wheel through the space, rotating, approaching and retreating from the audience, changing viewing perspective and kaleidoscopically revealing new facets of the intricately crafted material.
The work began with looking at aging bouquets of flowers and the disgust of decay that exists in the context of manicured beauty. In our sterile homes we recoil from this smell of isolated death yet we relish being surrounded by the humus of potent decomposition and organic circulation in the wild. Our perception and allowance of dying changes dependent on context and the relative function or health of decay. We are constantly sorting these reactions to life and decay based on visceral cues, emotional histories, social trends, and environmental contexts. I am fascinated by the fact that we are all living and wilting simultaneously and to the questions this brings.
Why do we not notice death when we are in close proximity to it or have a daily witnessing of the transition? How do our sentimental attachments blind us to dying matter? Why do we sometimes recoil and sometimes embrace this liminal period of existence? Can we engage qualities of wilting, snapping, decomposing, composting, tendrilling, vibrancy, growth, and death to enrich our daily lives energetically and materially?
Produced by Khecari, a Chicago based non-profit dance company that presents the work of Julia Antonick and Jonathan Meyer, Antonick’s latest contemporary dance work cresset: vibrant, rusting collides Balinese and contemporary dance to develop a unique new movement vocabulary that is captivatingly grotesque and lushly beautiful. An original score from Joe St. Charles features percussion and found objects, looped and layered live with audio reel-to-reel. Lighting and construction design are by Jonathan Meyer and the movement is performed by dancers Maggie Koller, Danielle Hammer, Jordan Reinwald, Joan Lin, with understudies Amanda Timm and Angie Palomo.
cresset: vibrant, rusting has been called “magnificent” by See Chicago Dance and was chosen as the Reader Recommends event for the Chicago Reader and ran from November 22 thru December 14, 2013 at Revere. A new version of the work has been crafted for performance as part of the spring season at the Dance Center of Columbia College Chicago, February 6 thru 8, 2014.
We want to continue the momentum of this exciting new dance work. Help us take our work on the road to Portland and Minneapolis to share it with new communities of dance enthusiasts, dancemakers, presenters and funders.
Your support will help us reach new audiences by paying for travel, marketing materials, rental of performance spaces, and most importantly will facilitate our paying all the artists an hourly wage for their time and skills in rehearsal and on the road.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25Donor listing on our website, programs and a shout out on Facebook ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50Everything above plus a Khecari t-shirt or poster (t-shirt is now sold out) ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100Everything above plus a CD of Joe’s percussion music ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250Everything above plus a $50 gift card ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500Everything above plus a DVD of cresset: vibrant, rusting ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Julia Antonick
Julia Rae Antonick is a contemporary choreographer and dancer whose movement reflects a digestion of contemporary, modern and classical dance forms from American, European and Indonesian roots. Her choreography emphasizes the creation of worlds the audience can enter, disrupting ingrained …
View Julia Antonick's profile-
Update 1: We are almost to our 1/3 match thanks to you!Posted on February 26, 2014
I'm so excited that we are only $461.66 away from meeting our $1666.66 cash match from 3Arts. Thank you so much for getting us so close! We are trying to meet this match by tomorrow, do you know someone who is looking to be a more active patron of art & culture in Chicago and excited to share this homegrown work with other vibrant dance communities? We would love it if you could share this video with your networks, thanks for your continued advocacy.
Julia Rae
Update 2: WE MET OUR MATCHPosted on March 02, 2014
Thank you to everyone who rallied to get us there this Thursday, we are now 86% funded and feeling inspired about getting to $5,000! It means so much to us that you have been sharing our story with your friends and famly.
With Gratitude,
Julia and the Khecari crewUpdate 3: Video excerpts of cresset releasedPosted on March 10, 2014We just finished editing a short video of cresset: vibrant, rusting from the performances at Revere. Click here to check it out!
Update 4: We have been invited to perform at THAWPosted on March 17, 2014An excerpt of cresset: vibrant, rusting will be performed at Links Hall's much anticipated benefit party THAW at 6:45pm on Thursday April 3rd at 4740 N. Western. We hope you can come!
Update 5: WE MADE OUR GOALPosted on March 31, 2014Thanks to all of you, we have officially made our goal of $5,000 and are now able to begin planning our tour. Your support has been so deeply felt at Khecari, we were jumping up and down yesterday when we made the mark. We really can't thank you enough. It makes us incredibly happy to know so many people who believe in the impact of live performance and stand behind it in words and action.
We will get back in touch soon about our progress on tour plans, but until then THANK YOU.
Julia Antonick and the Khecari crew
Update 6: Our tour dates are bookedPosted on June 30, 2014Dear 3Arts Project Supporters,
We have officially booked our venues for our 3Arts Project supported tour of cresset: vibrant, rusting. We are so excited about how this is all turning out. Jonathan and I went up to Minneapolis on a scouting trip in May to choose our venues and perform at Bryant Lake Bowl and we were so delighted with the dance community up there and can't wait to go back. We booked two shows at a gallery in Minneapolis called SooVac and one show in St.Paul at the newly opened Bedlam Lowertown Theater. We are also super pleased to announce that we will be sharing our Portland show with our dance pals Happydog at the Headwaters Theater. We think it is going to be a strong show in both Portland and The Twin Cities and can't wait to jump back into rehearsals on July 28th!
August 21st & 22nd | SooVAC - Minneapolis
cresset: vibrant, rusting
Esther & the Omphali
August 23rd | Bedlam Theater - St. Paul, Minnesota
cresset: vibrant, rusting
Esther & the Omphali
October 3rd, 4th, 5th | Khecari + Happydog | Headwaters - Portland, Oregon
cresset: vibrant, rusting (Khecari)
LADY PARTS (Happydog)Thanks again for your support!
Julia Antonick
Robin Antonick
Anonymous Supporter
Sydney Sidwell
Jordan Reinwald
Sarah Gottlieb
Joseph St.Charles
Traci Boyle
Jean Fulton
Neal Plotnik
Jon Satrom
Julie Reinwald
Katrin Schnabl
Thomas Browning
Wayne Reinwald
Benjamin Law
Cheryl Yuen
Maria Gray
Illana Naylor
Jane Unander
Anonymous Supporter
benjamin Reyes
Joanna Chin
Olivia Collins
Nancy and Bill Coates
Sarah Elliott
Joy Thorbjornsen-Coates
Melissa Pillarella
Hope Goldman
Julie Brannen
Jennifer Reebel
jamie antonick
Jurate Aukstakalnyte
Mia Capodilupo
Kay Min
Angelica Palomo
levi brewster
Cristina Tadeo
Anonymous Supporter
Kay Min
Amy Ornee
Anonymous Supporter
Anonymous Supporter
Johannah Wininsky
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