2015 3Arts Community Award
For the first time ever, the 3Arts Board of Directors is launching a 3AP campaign to raise funds to support a 2015 3Arts Community Award. We invite YOU, the Chicago community, to join us and show your support for one of Chicago’s finest artists while demonstrating our city’s inspiring collective spirit.
“The 3Arts Community Award provides an exciting opportunity for people from across the city to join together to support a remarkable local artist, and, in doing so, to affirm the importance of the art and artists that help give Chicago its soul.” ~Marcia Festen, Chair, 3Arts Board of Directors
Every dollar you contribute makes a difference. And every dollar will go directly to one of ten 3Arts awardees who will be selected by national jury panels and celebrated on October 5 at the 3Arts Awards event.
As is true of all 3AP campaigns, 3Arts will match up to 1/3 of the funding goal, helping to leverage your contribution. Together, we can make art work here in Chicago.
About This Project
I see little of more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist…If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. ~President John F. Kennedy, Amherst College, 1963
Each year, ten Chicago artists working in the performing, teaching, and visual arts receive 3Arts Awards of $25,000, with no strings attached. Artists may use the awards to defray expenses, pay off debt, purchase equipment, and focus on their creative process—or in any way they see fit.
Every time we give a Chicago artist one of our awards, we are offering up far more than cash. We are sending loud applause for a job well done, gratitude for work that matters to everyone it touches, and a boost of recognition at an important career juncture. There is nothing like the feeling of investing directly in the artists who keep the creative engines revving in our city.
Now, with the 3Arts Community Award, you can join with people from across Chicago to send a powerful message to the artists among us. Let them know that they are deeply valued here and give them a reason to stay.
For more information about the 3Arts Awards, click HERE.
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $30See your name in lights onscreen at the 3Arts Awards Celebration (October 5, 2015). ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $300See your name in lights onscreen at the event, plus in pixels on our website and via special thank-yous on social media. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1300Receive two free tickets to the 3Arts Awards Celebration (October 5, 2015), with reserved seating, plus all of the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $3000You and a guest are invited to lunch with 3Arts, plus all of the above. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Founded in 1912, with a history centered on women artists, 3Arts is a nonprofit organization that supports artists working in the performing, teaching, and visual arts in the Chicago metropolitan area, including women artists, artists of color, and Deaf and …
View 3Arts's profile-
Update 1: Here's what awardees say!Posted on June 05, 2015
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far to our Community Award campaign!
We'd also like to share this recent comment by 2014 3Arts Awardee Erica Mott, who is helping us spread word about the campaign:
"The 3Arts Award impacted the trajectory of my career and linked me to an amazing and far reaching network of inspiring artists and supporters. I can not even express how valuable this organization is to the Chicago arts ecosystem. If you have a few extra dollars lining your pocket, this is the place to deposit them!"
Update 2: Straight from an awardee's mouthPosted on July 28, 2015Huge thanks to everyone who has supported and joined this amazing community effort! We are so close to making our goal. We couldn't have done it without all of you. We want to share another recent shout-out from an awardee, below:
"I said it and I meant it! It has had a huge impact on my career and life. Thank you to all of the 3Arts Family and Supporters!" (Samuel Roberson, 2014 3Arts Awardee in Teaching Arts)
Lisa Lee
Cat Tager
Sydney Sidwell
Julie Adrianopoli
Marcia Festen
Lucy Honold
Christy Uchida
Chanel Coney
Gregory Cameron
Rose Parisi
Kim Jacobs
Gail Sidwell
Robin Schachtel
Greta Honold
Bruce Rodgers
Christine Watkins
Tekki Lomnicki
Virginia Nugent
Samuel Greenberg
Pamela Stevens
Suzanne Plunkett
Leslie Ramirez
robbin carroll
Eric Revels
Alison Zehr
Unmi Song and the Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Michael M. Lockett
Scott Lundius
Amina Dickerson
mary jane duffy
Gregory Lanier
Rebecca Willett
Mary Morten
Antonia Contro
Anonymous Supporter
Jewel Malone
Laura Samson
Nikki Will Stein
Darcy Addison
Brooke Flanagan
Christina Noel
Debra Hass
Anonymous Supporter
Rachel McClain
Angela FitzSimmons
James Hirsch
Candida Alvarez
Kristina Lowenstein
Jon Weber
Angelique Power
Frank Baiocchi and the Polk Bros. Foundation
Cheryl Yuen
Matthew Girson
Christen Ng
Abdul and Rita Qaiyum
Debbie Reznick
Michelle T. Boone
Nan Zabriskie
Nicole Losurdo Upton
Marianne Philbin
Mary Ellen Messner
Christy Prahl
Chip Fry and the Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Tracie hall
alice dubose
Lauren Deutsch
Josephine Lee
Susan Eleuterio
Robert Martin
Michelle Citron
Giselle Mercier
Kristin Patton
Rochelle Jones
Maria Gray
Mark Beasley
Irene Siragusa Phelps
Elaine Boby
Philip Hughes-Luing
Laura Doherty
Jennifer Shanks
Marla Gunderson
Ruth Lopez
David A. Jones
Mark Parisi
Masha Alexander
Sandra Delgado
dedrea gray
dedrea gray
Kate Lorenz
Anonymous Supporter
Cheryl Yuen and Thomas Chin
Debbie Reznick and the Polk Bros. Foundation
Anonymous Supporter
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