Kal is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice is a discussion of one’s fluctuation of stability and instability, explored through the process of comprehending reactions to sudden alienated thoughts and emotions that arise in domestic environments and situations. Their work is a showcase of answering their own confusion, often stemming from their complex trauma from childhood, to build a stable comprehension of themself and their surroundings.
They moved from Korea to pursue a bachelor’s degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and have been living in Chicago since 2019.
Featured Artworks
No but really, it just keeps snowballing Various blue found and made objects. Photography by Mikey Mosher. 3D printed objects by Sebastian Duesing.
No but really, it just keeps snowballing Various blue found and made objects. Photography by Mikey Mosher 3D printed objects by Sebastian Duesing
I would have been fine, if I only have Quilt blanket, found stuffed animals. Photography by artist Stuffed animal collection loaned by Marcus Klein. "Double Arrow" quilt pattern by Material Girlfriends Patterns.
I would have been fine, if I only have Quilt blanket, found stuffed animals. Photography by artist Stuffed animal collection loaned by Marcus Klein. "Double Arrow" quilt pattern by Material Girlfriends Patterns.